Monday, December 27, 2010


so i realize that we did this months ago... & don't get me wrong i LOVE winter. but i was looking at pictures earlier & it looks so warm and inviting! we look drugged we are so relaxed. such good memories... and i loved so many of the pics we took! add was looking at them with me. with every picture he would say "i want to go there!" and then we got to a particularly lovely one and he said "let's live there." if only we could....

may i add, i will now dream of the mango mojitos tonight... fresh mint... fresh mangos... *sigh* ... and the ribs from our hotel... sand between my toes... napping in the hammock.... no tv... naps every afternoon... salt water... so much relaxation... oh myyyyy....

also, some of this blog could have to do with jason playing his new video game all night. makes for a bored woman.

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